Flat 10 at a reception given by Fordham alum, William Loschert, at his home in Cadogan Square! |
couldn't resist the grand piano... |
Fordham Theatre '16, LDA Spring '15-represent! |
We started off this past week with a play at Trafalgar studios called "The Ruling Class" by Peter Barnes-most obviously a star vehicle for James McAvoy, but it is still a great piece of work. James performed phenomenally, as did the other actors-although I could not really care for their characters because they were barely fleshed out in comparison to McAvoy's character. I got to meet him afterwards too, and that was a great inspiration. He really is a humble guy, must have been exhausted after the show, but he met everyone in the queue. We also got to see "Bull" by Mike Bartlett on Thursday at the Young Vic-and that was also fantastic. A happy coincidence because A. Mike Bartlett's "Cock" was the first play I ever saw in New York and B. David Tennant was in the audience. I find myself inspired, not just by the acting showcased in these plays, but all artistic elements-set, lighting, direction, the script itself. Most shows we have seen thus far seem to have a preoccupation with class/societal structure...a pattern in the English collective consciousness?
At Trafalgar for "The Ruling Class." |
The Young Vic for "Bull." Very diverse audience in terms of age and race. |
Classes are becoming more and more rigorous, people are starting to sniffle. One day, one person sneezes, the next day-everyone is sick. Trying to keep myself mentally and physically fit. Maybe it is just my imagination, but I think I am starting to notice a slight difference when I am performing. I haven't performed for anyone besides my audition tutor yet, but when I rehearse my pieces on my own (and apply the lessons I learned in Alexander, Voice, Shakespeare, Acting) I can note a slight but significant difference in the freedom of my body and the clarity of my voice. Trying to tattoo everything my teachers tell me onto my brain, which is just as well-since we must have reflective journals for every class we take. Also, don't let the first couple of pictures fool you. Most of the time, we are all unkempt and sweaty in leggings and t-shirts for classes. Learning a lot, but there is still a long way to go.
'til next update, cheers,
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